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Do we really have to explain what save means?

In Houdini

In the silex shelf, 1 is increment save, 2 is save.

In Maya

In the silex shelf, 1 is increment save, 2 is save.


Your work files are saved in the hierarchy as follows:

  • shot : D:/project/{pfe}/shots/{sequence}/{shot}/{task}/work/{pfe}_{sequence}_{shot}_{task}_work_{version}.{extension}
  • asset : D:/project/{pfe}/assets/{asset type}/{asset name}/{task}/work/{pfe}_{asset type}_{asset name}_{task}_work_{version}.{extension}

For example, this means that the cfx file for shot 01-010 can be found here : D:/project/testpipe/shots/s01/p010/cfx_main/work/testpipe_s01_p010_cfx_main_work_v001.hipnc

As you can see, the file has a version. If you work on your file and click on save button, your updates will be saved on the same file. If you click on increment save, a new version will be created. Example : testpipe_s01_p010_cfx_main_work_v001.hipnc will become testpipe_s01_p010_cfx_main_work_v002.hipnc.

You can see all your versions in silex and acces to any of it.